
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Patroitic Chinese Movement

S Seen as a rebel among some Chinese for not joining the ‘official’ government-controlled Christian organization (Three-Self Patriotic Movement), he was imprisoned and tortured by the government authorities. Throughout all the horrendous and painful things that Brother Yun experienced, the Word of the Lord kept coming to him, encouraging him and strengthening his faith. Christened Liu Zhenying, Brother Yun was born in 1958 in China. At the age of 16 he met Jesus and soon afterwards received a powerful call to become a witness of Christ. But in Communist China, spreading the Gospel goes hand-in-hand with persecution, and because of this Brother Yun experienced prison, torture and many incredible miracles in these situations. Brother Yun was in the hands of government officials, he was repeatedly tortured and beaten with electric batons. He was also kicked, trampled on and had needles jabbed underneath his fingernails. Chinese Christians Memor
The RZIM university missions we have all been waiting for began yesterday at Uni-lag and Uni -Ibadan. That of Uni-jos will commence on Sunday evening at the Chapel of Faith.