Five Facts About Arome Isreal Osayi

Facts about Apostle Arome Osayi

*Birth and Parentage; Family Life
🔶The set man behind Remnant Christian Network (RCN), is Apostle Arome Osayi who gave his life to God at age seven in a Sunday school class at ECWA 1. He was born into the family of Late Chief Paul Ameh Osayi as the fifth child out of seven children on December, 2nd. He is married to Rev. Mrs Dina Osayi and they are blessed with two children, Joshua and Esther. 

*Salvation Experience and Early Christian Life
🔶At age 13, Apostle Arome knew what he was going to do with his life. In an encounter, he was at a mountain and saw people going to hell, he was sent to do something about that. With the vision firmly imprinted in his heart, he focused on intense Bible study. Aided by the ministry of Benny Hinn and writings from Watchman Nee as well as sitting under the tutelage of Reverend Pita Momoh Edward's of Sanctuary of Mercy, Apostle Arome Osayi started his sojourn into the apostolic mandate.

*The Birth of Remnant Christian Network
🔸Remnant Christian Network became a manifested vision when on 20th October 2002 he had an encounter and was told
: “You will not go into full time ministry , I will give you a job and you will invest in many destinies and a great network will be formed”.

*Vision and Mission of the Remnant Christian Network

In recent years, Remnant Christian Network has witnessed such an uprising. It is a place where the gospel of Christ is preached and men are coming into their ordinations in God. The Network is run with a divine policy direction from Isaiah 37:31.
Apostle Arome Osayi has a summarized mission statement : "To strive towards the rebirth of Apostolic Christianity" . He believes that in the years to come, people from all nations of the world will come to the RCN camp ground to experience the true God as well as get in tune with accurate apostolic patterns that they can replicate in their different nations.

*Modus Operandi
🔸A thoroughly burdened man, Apostle Arome Osayi is a servant of God with an overwhelming commitment and passion to seeing the body of Christ established by means of the present truth. He is fully involved with training saints to man their duty posts accurately by means of teaching, preaching and fatherhood. He has authored several books, including Kingdom recalibration vol. 1 and 2, Go ye into the world, amongst others. He has such great depths and abundance of illumination into the word of God. A dimension he effortlessly mirrors. 

*Call Station
🔸Apostle Arome Osayi and his family make their home in Makurdi, Benue State. Nigeria where his apostolic center is headquartered. With the nationwide acceptance his ministry has enjoyed as well as global recognition, one could feel he might need to move his headquarters to a place more promising but Apostle Arome has strong convictions about the great revival set to break forth upon the city which will get spread out to the world. As a king in the territory, he understands he is to play the role of a midwife in birthing the revival and so stays put in the city following accurate directions from God.

With absolute joy, we are pleased to let you know that Apostle Arome Israel Osayi messages can be gotten


  1. More anointing and grace sir, I love you so much. God is bringing me to you Sir.


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