FUTILITY? - The Flesh

Manipulation: When you are trying harder to help a person than they are willing to help themselves. 
     Many times we often sit amazed when we have great conflict with someone that we have tried so hard to help. We are confused when they are ungrateful for all of our effort that we have poured into their lives and we wonder how they could ever treat us with the disrespect that they are showing. 
     The reason they are rebelling against you is; no matter how good the intentions you have for them the truth is; you are manipulating them and they feel it. 
     You have drug them past their point of ambition. You have pressed them to do better when they did not want to do better themselves. You have locked yourself in a struggle with someone who does not have the desire to do any better and you are creating friction between you and them. 
     No matter how right you are, respect a person's will (like God does) and allow them to stay where they are even if they are unhappy. Let the Holy Spirit show you when to help, and when to allow to go.

Apst. Charles Philips
