Now it is imperative of me to stress that making choices most times doesn’t come easy, especially when it touches on very critical and highly crucial issues.

 I am talking about when the alternatives on ground are not just dual but multiple and are of seemingly equal strength and importance as the right choice. One is thrown under severe pressure and struggles to withstand the crushing weight of uncertainty when they are to choose from say eleven options or more. 

To iron this out, we must first understand what a ‘right choice is’. A right choice is a choice that when made draws a person closer to God and makes them fulfill His will for their life. 

A right choice therefore is beyond human perspective and judgment; both of which are limited – it’s something that should synchronize with God’s judgment and perspective. For what is right in the sight of man might be dead wrong in the sight of God. That’s why Scripture establishes that the way that seems right to a man leads him to destruction (Proverbs 14:12). 

Fleeing from obeying God’s command to go preach in Nineveh and heading to Tarshish seemed right in Jonah’s eyes but it landed him in a three-day sepulchral hibernation in the belly of a fish. In the light of being in Christ, making a choice is not enough, making the right choice is what counts


Spikes of disappointment pierced through God’s heart. There was unrest in heaven. God’s plan for man was seemingly hanging on a precarious balance. Something must be done and fast. Man had chosen death over life. There was nothing God and the hosts of heaven could do. Man had chosen his own fate, filled in doom into the blank page that was given him in the garden for his destiny and that of his offsprings to be written. The whole situation was a lamentable one – the obituary of mankind.

 The elements which once interplayed to sing songs of beauty and honour and freshness suddenly turned pale with corruption and began to yell inglorious requiems for the destiny of man. The stench of which choked sweetness and balance out of creation. Giving rise to the recreation of the chaotic disorder that featured in the beginning. 

As a swift counter measure, God had to prevent man from further stretching forth his hand to eat of the tree of life. Eating the tree of life would make him immortal and eternal like God. But eating the tree of life in his fallen state would spell unquenchable doom as it would make him immortally and eternally irredeemable – just like the fallen angels. To redeem him, God had to drive him out of the Garden until the fullness of time in which His redemption package would be ready in Jesus Christ. The story of man in the Garden of Eden ends tragically thus:

Then the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”–therefore the lord sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground. From which he was taken. So He drove out the man, and He placed Cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.’ (Genesis 3:22-24).

I could almost hear God say; “Man has made his choice. There is very little we can do. Let him bear the consequences of his choice until the time is right for his redemption.’ God made the tree of life inaccessible for many generations until His only begotten son was conceived and born by a virgin. Thank God Jesus came!

To bring this home, I would like to say that a whole generation is determined by the strength of your choice.


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