Purpose & Power

The anointing comes upon a person to accomplish an assignment for God's Kingdom... When the primary ASSIGNMENT is forsaken by the vessel, the anointing is no longer necessary. In the Kingdom of God, POWER comes with a PURPOSE. When a person is tapped into the "anointed life", they experience uncommon miracles, favor, strength to endure, and grace. The devil works overtime to DISCONNECT you from your divine assignment and replace it with "your vision". After one has been accustomed to living with the benefits of an anointed life, they can easily be deceived into believing that the same grace, power, strength, and favor that was active while they were connected to the assignment and the people whom God called them to labor with, will still be there. Not so. The anointing on TEAMS is greater than that of individuals, no matter how gifted you are. This is why the devil seeks to divide TEAMS, FAMILIES, and FRIENDS. The anointing on "us" is much greater than what rest on "me". The devil is on a mission to disrupt PROGRESS and has deceived many people into believing they are doing God's will by starting fruitless ministries. If you are GIFTED but FRUITLESS, you have a CONNECTION issue. God is not anointing rogue apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelist... He's anointing FAMILIES, TEAMS, and COMMUNITIES. 

Love this from Brian Williams; "Power comes with a purpose." 
 "No purpose, no power" -Charles Phillips
You will never fully access what your not disciplined for. 
God as our father will not allow us to possess things that he knows we cannot keep, because He knows it would bring a greater sense of hopelessness to our situation. 
     All the prophetic words spoken over you will never come into fruition until you position yourself to obtain them. Learning to steward the things that we already have will begin to position us for future breakthrough.

Get connected to the ASSIGNMENT and the oil will flow again!

Apostle Ryan
