THE WAR IN HEAVEN I - Apst. Arome Osayi

Lucifer coveted God’s most highness; God’s being above all, and tried to wrest it from Him with unbridled audacity and defiance. 
Each time I think about what transpired in the day Lucifer and his co-conspirator angels were expelled from heaven, it goes something like this... 

In the realm where beginning and ending of things did not exist... a kingdom wherein everything was built on a solid stretch of endlessness.

Nine trillion billion multiplied by endless millions of thunders roared from God’s throne which overflowed with immeasurable light and a plethora of breathtaking colours.

 Around which hung the Cherubim and Seraphim; creatures forged and fashioned with furnace-grade fire and polished by tools whose design cannot lend itself to the most prolific imagination of man. 
Their wings spread and interlocked in such a manner that kept their countenance hidden. 

Boiling brilliance issuing from God’s throne pierced through their frames and made them the more transparent. They were permanently stationed around God’s throne which was the highest in heaven."

Heaven was a realm of purity crafted by God Himself who neither had beginning nor end of days. 

This realm and everything in it were made for His good pleasure. Colours collided and metabolized into hues of grandeur...sweet incense filled everywhere...wheels of fire spun at incalculable revolutions as beasts of glory rode back and forth, with weariness a reality nonexistent. 

Mountains whose peaks were without climaxes formed the pedestal to the outermost chambers of the most exalted throne of the realm. 
Every inhabitant of heaven had the throne in view. The throne itself was completely unapproachable to all the hosts in the realm.
 All those who had to report to God did so outside the peakless mountains. 
The only one permitted to get past the peakless mountains was the Beautiful Cherub, Lucifer.
 And in those nameless days, there was neither sun nor moon to brighten the realm for God Himself was the very light that kept it forever aglow; it was a kingdom in which night never came.

The unrest that was building in heaven had reached tipping point. God knew that the war was inevitable. For the hosts of His realm now existed in a trichotomy. It was Lucifer, the beautiful Cherub whose crafting was beyond compare that was responsible.
 It all began when Lucifer, the grand commander of the choral pavillions – which were the only host formation to be stationed beyond the peakless mountains before God’s throne, erred.
 His task of commanding the choral hosts was so hallowed that it endeared him to God. So much so that he was granted privileged access into some sections of God’s eternal quarters. 
Now dwelling in heaven required absolute purity on the part of all the inhabitants. God Himself was the most pure One. For Lucifer’s service, which made him closer to God’s throne than the rest of the Seraphim and Cherubim and all inhabitants of heaven became the very reason he erred.

‘My Lord, Lucifer has lost his way and his mind too. He has one-third of the hosts on his side’, said Michael, the Chief Sword Bearer with his two knees riveted on the cloudy floor before God’s throne.

 The sockets of His eyes bore what seemed like a pair of infernal balls. The plumes of his wings smoked with deep awe while his gaze remained glued to the floor in complete adoration. His sheathed sword rested between his wings on his back while his skin which seemed like gold-coloured, polished glass shone as the light from God’s throne drenched his frame.

‘I know ‘, replied God with the tone of many thunders.

‘What is your will my Lord?’, asked Michael.

‘Lucifer and his supporters should have no place in heaven forever. Get it done Michael’, commanded God.

‘Your will be done my Lord’, replied Michael as he rose to his feet and fluttered his wings, plunging down from God’s throne to lower heaven.

To be continued...

Book - GODWARD BY Arome Osayi 


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