THE WAR IN HEAVEN II - Apst. Arome Osayi

Lucifer was completely oblivious of the meeting that Michael just had with the Lord of heaven. He was in one of his Choral Pavilions when he heard the unusual trumpet call from Michael’s quarters. In a moment, he decided to come out and see what it was.

To his surprise, Michael and an ocean of his kind behind him were waiting outside the pavilion. Swinging between apprehension and shock he spread his wings and a made a dry, tensed shout. A loud confused noise followed as many wings flapped behind Lucifer. A mixture of rage and bitterness brewed in his heart.

‘What is the meaning of this Michael?’ asked Lucifer frantically.

‘And why are you and your kind on the premise of the Pavilions under my care?’ he continued.

‘You have been judged Lucifer. On the orders of the Lord God Himself, you and all who support you have been banished out of heaven forever’, replied Michael firmly.

‘Me? Banished? Are you serious? You know you and all your kind put together are no match for me. So why don’t we go to God and sort this misunderstanding?’, suggested Lucifer derisively.

‘You are not to forever ascend anywhere near God’s throne. You are an eternal outcast Lucifer. Your iniquity has made you and all that support you so. And by the authority of God Himself I am to see this through’.

A slimy mass of slovenly mighty rage from the gut of Lucifer darted swiftly in Michael’s direction. Michael was too much on the alert to let that pass. His wings quickly flapped and created a mist of light which solidified into a shield and intercepted Lucifer’s attack. Turning it into a mass of pulverized matter which became smaller and smaller until it completely vanished permanently out of existence. 

Lucifer cast one last cursory gaze through Michael’s phalanx to see if there was any space he could manoeuvre through to unleash direct blasphemy on God’s throne. There was simply none. For Michael had built a tightly-knit bulwark of opposition. 

Lucifer knew the only way to God’s throne was through Michael. He signaled the army of rebellion behind him that had gathered from the eyeful array of the Choral Pavilions. 

The tensed silence was stretching to its breaking point as Michael and his troops choreographed the unsheathing of their swords. The whole of heaven vibrated to this.

Lucifer lifted his eyes in utter frustration and desperation to the most exalted throne in heaven while his skewed heart, charred by overnurtured contemplations of vanity; brewed and disgorged weighty blasphemies. 

The barrage of blasphemies transformed into foul, little jagged substances that sprinted from the mortars of bitter rebellion deep-seated in Lucifer. They swarmed forward but three or more billion flaming swords immobilized and plucked them out of existence permanently. 

Lucifer felt a strange element in his reins. Something that completely dissolved the pure sanity he once had – it was the curse of restlessness. The same phenomenon mass-produced itself throughout the formations behind him. He was now out of control, refusing to acknowledge God’s Almightiness.

To be continued...

