
Don't be so eager to grow your church that you allow the offended to come in and destroy what you and Holy Spirit are building. Get to know those who have come in (that's scripture 1 Thess. 5:12), and why they left their House; If they have unforgiveness toward someone, don't be so immature to think they will not do the same to you and it spread to your people like a disease.
     "10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." Matt. 24 
     Jesus tells us that Offense leads to betrayal and hatred. Offense is so deceptive and it thrives where it is tolerated and made excuses for. I had a Pastor friend who started shunning me in public that had taken in someone who was offended at me; until one day he called me for prayer because she had betrayed him also and caused him to lose his church and marriage. Before we prayed I ask him, "If you knew how she felt about me and how she hated me; why didn't that alert you to what was going on inside of her?". His response was, "I just figured she would get over it" 
     What many leaders do not realize is; the offended were offended many years ago before they had ever met you and I. They have a mindset forged through a spirit that drives offense and move in and out of relationships; loving like no other until one day they hate and leave you like they have left others. 

    Understanding the spirit that drives this and the mind that has become conditioned to it will better help us destroy this covenant breaking spirit and help those trapped in unforgiveness.

Charles Philips
