DEMONIC OPEN DOORS - Apostle Arome Osayi.

Download Sermon: DEMONS AND THEIR ACTIVITIES | Apostle Arome Osayi ...
Demons are disembodied beings which do not have any legality to dwell or operate on the earth realm. These beings are under the authority of the devil and do his business on earth.
Just like God, for any Spirit to operate on earth, it will require a vessel (a body). So this demons use humans as their vessel and access point to the earth.
There are two kinds of demonic oppression:
1. Demonization
2. Possession
While a born again Believer can not be possessed, he or she can be demonized.
Below are the means by which demons find access to dwell in human beings.
1. Ancestral Inheritance: every spiritual reality can be passed on from one generation to another. Gen 12:1-3 ".... In thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed"
Gal 3:13-14. We are children of Abraham today by the Inheritance of this promise.
In the same way, demonic oppressions can be transferred from generation to generation via inheritance.
Being born again alone does not deliver a man from these oppressions. Besides, there are two sides of redemption: Legal and Actual. Rom 5:10
We were reconcile to God by the death of Christ through substitution (legal), being reconciled, we shall (figurative) be saved by His life (actual).
2. Involvement in occultic activities and use of charms or satanic powers:
These are means by which the devil has a strong hold on a life. Even after salvation, if the individual is not totally submitted to Christ, such a one can be open to demonic oppression because demons will wait for any opportunity to attach themselves to such a one and bring him again under their influence.
3. Soulish penetration: demons get access to the souls of men via books (satanic), songs, movie and music dedicated to the devil, pornography etc. These activities open up the soul for demonic oppression visible through addiction.
4. Pressures/unfortunate happenings in early childhood: demons attack the mind in times of weakness. Usually they take advantage of unfortunate experiences to affect the mind of people mostly at childhood. These kind of oppression is visible in fear, timidity, anger etc seen in people when they grow up.
5. A moment of weakness:
Mr. Preacher man, you are most vulnerable after you use the anointing! Elijah after his victory at Mount Carmel, ran away in fear of death at the hands of Jezebel.
Every moment of weakness is an avenue for demonic attack.
6. Sinful acts and habits: majority of demonic oppression today are as a result of consistent sinful acts and habits such as drinking, smoking, stealing, immorality, abortion, lying etc.
Whatsoever a man does consistently, it invits the spirit demmention of that activity.
Just like prayer, if you are given to prayer consistently, a time will come when you will be over taken by the spirit of prayer.
You become a slave of whatsoever act you consciously yield yourself to.

Deliverance from demonic manifestation can be done by two ways

1. Self/personal deliverance
A believer can carry out self deliverance on themselve to do this,
1. You must be humble enough to admit the challenge. That is the activity or evidence of demonic oppression.
2. Confess to God in prayer the act of sin which is a manifestation of the demons influence in your life
3. Reject the spirit responsible for the sinful act
4. Renounce the spirit
5. Insist and stand your ground and give the act or the spirit no place.  You can actually starve certain acts to death.
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2. Deliverance by the anointing
This is what is called the demonstration of the Spirit and power (2Cor 2:4).
According to Jesus, every believe should be able to cast out devil and unclean spirits(Mark 16:17)

We will not allow our soul to be a slave to demonic manifestation in Jesus name!


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