Standing in the Gap (The ministry of Supplication).

Ephesians 6:18 NKJV - With All Prayer And Supplication In The ...

Standing in the Gap (The ministry of Supplication).

Ezekiel 22:30
"I sought for a man among them to stand in the gap...."
The responsibility of this functionary is to make up the hedge, because when ever the hedge is broken, the serpent will bite. Therefore, a man is required to makeup the hedge by standing in the gap.
We must know that our God, is a God of righteousness, judgement, mercy, and grace.
Righteousness demands that justice be done.
Judgement gives a man what he deserves.
Mercy suggests that, he should not be given what he deserves.
Grace suggests that, he should be given what he does not deserve.
So in the parable of the prodigal son, when he returned, he asked for mercy (I do not deserve to be your son, made me as one of your servants). According to justice, he deserves to be cast out. But rather the Father gave him grace (what he didn't deserve).
So God is effectively, a God of righteousness, justice and judgement, mercy and grace at the same time without contradicting any of these nature.
So God's righteousness is what demands for the sin of Adam to be judged. But His mercy provided an avenue for Christ to stand in the gap for man.
So standing in the gap is the act of securing the mercy of God over a people. Such a person does not come by the merit of right, but mercy. This is the act of Supplication. And until the mercy of God is released, we can not find grace (Heb 4:16)
Job 9:13-15; Psalm 28:2
Supplication is to bring a passionate appeal before a judge (an oracle) that has the authority to change a situation by His proclamation.
Only men of supplication can move the hand of the God to show mercy.
Psalm 119:170
Supplication | lifeoverlunch
'Deliver me according to Thy word.'

So Supplication has its basis in the word of God.
We were born to be such men that will stand in the gap!
Our destiny is to be supplicators!
When we carry out supplication, we don't go by the merit of our rights, but we go seeking for mercy on the basis of His word.
For we know that, God honors His words more than His name.
Psalm 143:1
Supplication depends on God's faithfulness (He is unchanging). Heaven and Earth will pass away, by my word, shall never pass away! God is faithful, He is dependable!
The power of Supplication is in the realization of God's faithfulness. You can depend on Him to answer.
You also come armed with the knowledge of His righteousness (His ability to demands that justice be done). These two characteristics of God towards supplication never fails they are eternal as God.
Only supplication provides an avenue, for to show mercy and yet be righteous.
Anytime the hand of God moves, it is because of mercy!
We take advantage of His mercy!
Oh that men will arise who will make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before God that our land may be healed again!

Apostle Arome Osayi.
