The Lord, that healeth - Apostle Arome Osayi

Exodus 15:26
"...I am the Lord that healeth thee."
God wants to be known and identified by His people as a healer!
God is desperate to maintain this identity of Raphah.
Psalm 103:3
It is critical to God to retain the identity of a healer. "...healeth all thy diseases"
God wants to be known as a healer.
Salvation is not complete if you are saved and still sick.
The same scriptures that accounts for salvation (deliverance) are same that accounts for healing.
God must be called Rapha in our day and age.
Isa 53:1-5
Deliverance from sickness is also part of the salvation initiative of Christ. He delivers from sin, as same as He heals sickness and diseases.
The salvation package involves healing in it.
John 5:1-4
God will do anything to preserve His identity as Raphah.
We see that for 400 years, there was no prophet in Israel through whom God could review His name as the healer. So He to invent a means of preservation of His name as Raphah by the technology of a pool. And an angel would come from time to time to demonstrate this dimension of our God.
So God must do anything to preserve His identity as Raphah.
In our day, this preservation initiative is the church by the instrumentality of the gifts of healing.
Why is it called gifts and not gift?
This is because there are several categories of sicknesses.
By prophesy, every strip they gave Him was for a categories of sicknesses.
This means therefore, that the gifts of healing are diverse. Everyone with the gifts of healing is stronger in a specific category more than others.
There is always a bias on the manifestation of the gifts of healing. You are usually stronger in a particular category of sickness than you are in others. You don't choose an area, you only discover your strongest point and pay more attention to it.
It is therefore, your responsibility to study your gift!

God's identity as Raphah will and must be preserved in our day and age!

The healing evangelists of our day must arise again!


  1. Sir, your number please

    1. This is a transforming writing, word of life. Am humbled to learn.


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