The Ministry of Angels and the Ministry of Prayer - Apostle Arome Osayi

The Ministry of Angels and the Ministry of Prayer

Matt 26:52-53
"Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and He shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?"
There is a relationship between prayer and the Ministry of Angels!
It is Prayer that activates the ministry of angels.
From the experience of Joshua in Jericho, we understand that there are certain kinds of warfare that we do not fight alone. 
Jos 5:13-15. There was a physical component of the army as well as a spiritual component. These heavenly host are given to fight besides God's people in the day of trouble.
This scripture confirms the fact that angels are only commanded by the Father.......
Jesus said, "....I will pray the Father" not I will command the angles.
From this, it means that prayer provides a ground for the Lord to give angels commands to come partner with us in doing His will on earth.
Acts 10:1-4
This was an unbeliever whose prayer and alms giving became a memorial in heaven which compelled God to act. And upon this memorial, God sent angles to provide insight and perspective which resulted to salvation.
This suggests that when we pray, we provide room for God to intervene through angelic visitations.
We see in the book of Acts that angelic visitations are consistent with prayer times. 
For your prayer activity and practice to attract angelic visitation, there at certain things you must pay attention to:
1) Praying at set times
Acts 3:1
We see that the angelic visitation of Cornelius was consistent with this time of prayer 'the ninth hour' this was the set time of prayer.
It therefore means, if you as a believer has a set time of prayer that nothing will make you violate, you are most likely to have angelic support and encounters at this regimented prayer time. 
This set time of prayer can be personal or cooperate and both has same effect.
2) Making of prayer (prayer chain/circle), praying without ceasing.
Acts 12:1-5
Constant demands were made concerning the deliverance of Peter which provided God the right of way to send an angel to cause his release.
"....but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him". 
Making of prayer, not praying of prayer! 
Oh my!, when we become angry as believers concerning situations and we want to respond, we do so by making consistent prayers.
And anytime prayers are made, the supernatural is seen through the ministration of angels.
3) Praying for His will to be done and not ours.
Luke 22:41-43
"....And there appeared an angel unto Him from heaven and strengthening Him"
There is a point we get to in the place of prayer that we receive strengthening mostly in times of weakness. This happens when we refuse our will that His will alone be done. ".....not my will, but thy will be done"

We must become that house of prayer that Jesus spoke about. 
But until we get to that point, we may not be able to move God's heart in providing angelic support and partnership.

4) When we win certain battles for God in great victory.
Matt 4:11 ".....the devil leaveth Him, and behold, angles came and ministered to Him"
So Jesus' victory over Satan was the reason for the angelic ministration. They came to celebrate Him.
Any time we win a victory for the Lord, we receive strengthening via angelic ministrations.
So the life of a believer is meant to be a supernatural life. We are meant to live the supernatural naturally!
These are days for angelic ministrations as we return to the place of Prayer.......
COVID-19 calls for angelic visitations and prayers must be made by the church again. 
Reenforcements must come from above again!
5) The Prayer of Supplication with fasting
Dan 9:20-23
"...oh Daniel, I am now come forth to give you skill and understanding"
The moment Daniel began to call upon God in the place of Prayer and Supplication with Fasting, the angle Gabriel was sent to grant him the needful materials for more priesthood activities...... 
'skills and understanding'
We never fight alone, they are many that be with us in the place of battle. Only prayer grants the release of this support system.

It's a call to return to the place of Prayer!
'And my house shall be called the house of prayer for all Nations'

It is now time to pray the Father, that He may send twelve legions of angels that the powers of darkness in name of COVID-19 will be bound!
