The Signpost To Foundational Faith - Arome Osayi

1. The devil can never be ahead of God
1 Cor 2:4-8
We see that the Bible is full of miscalculations of the enemy. Even your everyday life is full of these miscalculations. There were days when he tried to kill you there using accident, sickness and various circumstances but it was not given to him. These are signposts that the devil is not in control.
Circumstances and situations may suggest that God has lots it this time, but you must know assuredly that the devil can never out smart God. God is and will always be in charge.
2. God can use the devil's initiatives to establish His purposes.
Rom 8:26-28
".....and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to Him purpose"
All things include both bitter things, good things, bad things, horrible things, terrible things.......all things. But because a man loves God and is at the center of God's will and purpose, He will manipulate all things work out for the good of such a man.

The question therefore is, are you in the center of God's purpose for your life?

So even if that thing, that situation is pioneered by the devil, as long as you love God and you are at the heart of His purpose for your life, that situation will be manipulated to fulfill his mandate upon your life.
So we can see how the wickedness in the hearts of Joseph brothers which made them sell him off to Egypt became the very purpose of God for His life.
Gen 45:4-8.
"I am Joseph your brother whom you sold to not angry with yourselves, for God sent me here to preserve life"
So while the brothers thought they were selling, God was sending him.
The most cruel intentions of the devil can become your greatest advantage to fulfill God's purpose in your life.
You are never disadvantaged, everything works out to become an advantage.

The devil can never win over the purpose of God!
God is and forever will be in charge,
For they that observe lying vanities will forsake their mercy (John 2:8).
It doesn't matter who started it, God is in Charge!
So you can never be disadvantaged!


  1. Admin Please drop your whatsapp number or email address.
    I want to ask you a very important question Sir


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