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HeartCheck - Kingdom Mandate


God’s chosen methodology for showcasing His Kingdom is to mobilize diplomats – kingdom representatives – whose responsibility is to represent their home government before the leaders and people of different nations.

Kingdom representatives (ambassadors) can be likened to special envoys deployed to another nation on behalf of the government they embody. And as ambassadors of Christ, we are His representatives wherever we find ourselves per time. By implication, heaven is our nationality, but in our waking and walking, our ministry and mission as ambassadors into this territory called earth should showcase the kingdom.

We were deployed to the earth as ambassadors, therefore, it is expected that we conduct ourselves worthy of our ambassadorial calling.

The code of conduct for an ambassador is regulated by the country he represents.

There is a level of comportment associated with being a representative of a nation which explains why our walk of holiness must be in alignment with the country we represent.

The essence of our lives is what is obtainable by our separation and adherence to the code and ethics of our nationality here on earth. Our walk of holiness is in keeping with what we have in God as we cannot be conformed to the system of this age, where we have been deployed as ambassadors. We are supposed to be advertisements of the nature and culture that exists in the nation of our nationality (heaven). This nature must be put on display while interfacing with quarters of different values.

The value system of the nation that you represent should be seen evidently in your conviction, choices, words and actions. When people interact with you, it should be evident that your values are different and when others take advantage of selfish opportunities to satisfy their appetites, you must have something else that propels your conduct in compliance with the government of God.

Classical examples exist in the lives of Daniel and the three Hebrew men portraying correctly how a believer should interface with this realm and most importantly how he/she can influence it by presenting a different dimension to living and interacting with this realm.

2 Cor 5:20 (BSB): “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God.”
