HeartCheck - Kingdom Prosperity

 Why God Wants You to Prosper

Dear Heart Checkers,

I’ve got great news for you: God wants you to prosper!

However, have you wondered why God wants you to prosper? Take a moment or two and consider that.

Friends, when God gave the Israelites emancipation from the Egyptians, He did not bring them out of Egypt empty but brought them forth with silver and gold and there was not one feeble person amongst their tribes (see Ps. 105:37).

By implication, if God delighted in the prosperity of His children – His firstborn in the natural on this side of eternity – He would so much care about the new creation that is under better covenant and promises.

The subject of prosperity for the believer is a thing of influence than it is for showmanship; it is to the end that men may see the good works that God is doing in and through the life of the believer, to the glory and honour of His name.

Although God is a loving God, He is also a God of justice, judgement and equity. So that He can be impartial in blessing us, He gives to us unique commandments (instructions, ordinances) to the end that we might be just before Him and also before the adversary. God so much cares about your prosperity that He gave you the directives in pleasing Him.

God first expressed His love to us in giving Christ to die for our sins and giving us everything that makes for the fulfilment of our call that was furnished in eternity. However, we have to reciprocate that love that He has showed to us knowing well that the immortals see love as obedience to commandments. It is worthy of note to know that the commandments of God are not grievous and they are to be carried out by what He supplies for our enjoyment – Grace. It, therefore, connotes that one of the ways of receiving grace in vain is to not walk in prosperity in any aspect of our lives.

Without prosperity, the kingdom of God cannot be spread everywhere because God expects sons to step up and take back the kingdom that Adam lost in the garden to Satan.

God expects us daily to always choose Him in our decisions so that He may be just in blessing us with the good things of life bearing in mind that prosperity is not only to be in our finances but it also involves spiritual, physical, financial, mental, emotional, vocational, relational and so on. He wants us to be well-positioned in taking back the mountains for Him that His glory may be seen once again on the mountains and humanity can be subjected back to Him once again. It is by prosperity that we can enforce the kingdom in all walks of life. The goal is kingdom takeover and the means is prosperity.

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭52:7‬ (KJV‬‬)

The mountains are waiting for the sons of God to proclaim good tidings through the prosperity they have experienced primarily in their interactions (dealings) with the Great Monarch of Zion.

The Lord is looking for sufficient witness that can command His influence on the 7 mountains through prosperity. Yield to the grace of God and walk in prosperity to the glory of God for God wants you to prosper.
