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HeartCheck - Krazo


The first installation that came factory-fitted at regeneration is a cry and it is the only thing the devil wants to take away from every believer as they grow up.

‘For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.’ Romans 8:15, KJV

When we got saved, there is one desire that God installed in us and that desire expresses itself in form of a cry. Most individuals that got born again want to pray, however, there is a constant battle of negotiation by the enemy.

There is always an excitement and pull towards God’s presence and we must ensure we do not lose it as we navigate this realm. We must be willing to fight to preserve His presence and we see this reality in the lives of many in the scripture from Moses to David and even our Lord Jesus Christ.

David said, ‘One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.’ Psalms 27:4, KJV

Many people want to be many things in life, but if we can put our desires in that one thing (His presence), every other thing will be added. There must be a preservation of the cry that pulls God.

We may not know too many things but we must know this one thing: every man that has the right goal, will surely get to his destination. We must desire, pursue and seek God’s attention every time and be ever dependent on it.

Abide in His presence – not because you seek things like the heathen do, but that your desire and thirst is primarily for fellowship and intimacy. We must earn God’s trust enough by staying in His presence.

This cry is an affectionate connection where we put our challenges aside and enjoy God. This is where prayer begins – an affectionate cry (Krazo).

Krazo is interpreted to be a baby’s cry after sensing the scent of its mother, so also is the expectation of the Lord over a believer that loves and seeks Him not just for bread alone.

The first introduction of Jesus to prayer is ‘Our Father’. Fellow Heart Checkers, let’s build and develop intimacy with the Father and let krazo come from our hearts to Him.
