HeartCheck - The Less is Blessed Of The Better


At the instance of the murderous threat of his livid brother Esau, Jacob left his father’s house without any inheritance but returned twenty years later with great wealth. Similarly, his son Joseph left the comfort of parental enclave without any inheritance when he was sold into slavery by his envious brothers! Nevertheless, when his family reunited with him many years later, he was the wealthiest man in Egypt after Pharaoh.

Both of these men created wealth without capital because they were divinely led to recognise and utilise various forms of capital that are beyond money. One of such is relational capital.

Relational capital refers to significant relationships which attract valuables in form of opportunities and platforms to learn, serve and grow. It is indispensable not only for creating monetary wealth but also infiltrating other forms of graces.

At the instance of the murderous threat of his livid brother Esau, Jacob left his father’s house without any inheritance but returned twenty years later with great wealth. Similarly, his son Joseph left the comfort of parental enclave without any inheritance when he was sold into slavery by his envious brothers! Nevertheless, when his family reunited with him many years later, he was the wealthiest man in Egypt after Pharaoh.

Both of these men created wealth without capital because they were divinely led to recognise and utilise various forms of capital that are beyond money. One of such is relational capital.

Relational capital refers to significant relationships which attract valuables in form of opportunities and platforms to learn, serve and grow. It is indispensable not only for creating monetary wealth but also infiltrating other forms of graces.

It is to be noted at this juncture, that both Jacob and Joseph spent a good measure of their time toiling to serve the interest of their masters with passionate dedication before they entered into their seasons of abundance. By implication, God does not promote those whom He has not proven. And He tests people by placing them in such positions where the motives of their heart can be revealed. “If you have not been faithful in what is another man’s,” Jesus remarked, “who would give you your own?”

To those who are diligent in service, God opens the doors of kings to usher them into seasons of abundance so that they can reap the fruit of their labours.

Practically speaking, when God wants to bring you into a new season of grace and favour, He brings men your way that you must recognise and honour as kings. In fact, many times, God does not bring new people to you; He just opens your eyes to see value in the people that you might have been treating indifferently or even despising unconsciously. Once you start honouring them, your season of favour is activated and things begin to fall into place.

Abraham recognised Melchizedek as king and priest of God Most High. He honoured Melchizedek with a tithe of his possession. From that day, he moved from being rich to being perpetually wealthy.

At Peniel, Jacob bumped into a strange man at midnight and instinctively knew that the man had the ability to bless him. He held on to the man and did not let him go. It turned out that the man was an extraordinary being – the Angel of God. Once He blessed Jacob, his life was preserved and prosperous.

Joseph recognised that Pharaoh’s cupbearer was his prison mate but not his “mate.” Honour took him to the palace in record time.

In view of this, one of the critical lessons you must learn in the kingdom is to live a lifestyle of honour. Peter puts it this way, “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king” (I Peter 2:17, KJV). Learn to discern God in people around you and honour them for it irrespective of their flaws. Recognise their unique strengths and graces and let them bless you with it.

Ruth honoured her mother-in-law, Naomi, who felt undeserving of any love or respect because of her bitter experiences. That act of honour secured Ruth’s marital destiny and her heroic election to the order of the lineage of the Messiah.

Hannah’s act of honour towards Eli opened up her womb miraculously and gave her a long-awaited child in Samuel. Abigail recognised that David was a king long before he ever wore a golden crown and her offering to him secured her future in his palace. The thief at Jesus’ right hand recognised Him as Lord and King and his confession instantly guaranteed his place in paradise.

The writer of the book of Hebrews noted that the less is blessed of the better. Without the blessing of the blessed, the less cannot become better. So, quit competing with or looking down on those you ought to be honouring. Ask God to give you a meek and discerning heart. Respect the gift of access. And always guard against familiarity which breeds contempt.It is to be noted at this juncture, that both Jacob and Joseph spent a good measure of their time toiling to serve the interest of their masters with passionate dedication before they entered into their seasons of abundance. By implication, God does not promote those whom He has not proven. And He tests people by placing them in such positions where the motives of their heart can be revealed. “If you have not been faithful in what is another man’s,” Jesus remarked, “who would give you your own?”

To those who are diligent in service, God opens the doors of kings to usher them into seasons of abundance so that they can reap the fruit of their labours.

Practically speaking, when God wants to bring you into a new season of grace and favour, He brings men your way that you must recognise and honour as kings. In fact, many times, God does not bring new people to you; He just opens your eyes to see value in the people that you might have been treating indifferently or even despising unconsciously. Once you start honouring them, your season of favour is activated and things begin to fall into place.

Abraham recognised Melchizedek as king and priest of God Most High. He honoured Melchizedek with a tithe of his possession. From that day, he moved from being rich to being perpetually wealthy.

At Peniel, Jacob bumped into a strange man at midnight and instinctively knew that the man had the ability to bless him. He held on to the man and did not let him go. It turned out that the man was an extraordinary being – the Angel of God. Once He blessed Jacob, his life was preserved and prosperous.

Joseph recognised that Pharaoh’s cupbearer was his prison mate but not his “mate.” Honour took him to the palace in record time.

view of this, one of the critical lessons you must learn in the kingdom is to live a lifestyle of honour. Peter puts it this way, “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king” (I Peter 2:17, KJV). Learn to discern God in people around you and honour them for it irrespective of their flaws. Recognise their unique strengths and graces and let them bless you with it.

Ruth honoured her mother-in-law, Naomi, who felt undeserving of any love or respect because of her bitter experiences. That act of honour secured Ruth’s marital destiny and her heroic election to the order of the lineage of the Messiah.

Hannah’s act of honour towards Eli opened up her womb miraculously and gave her a long-awaited child in Samuel. Abigail recognised that David was a king long before he ever wore a golden crown and her offering to him secured her future in his palace. The thief at Jesus’ right hand recognised Him as Lord and King and his confession instantly guaranteed his place in paradise.

The writer of the book of Hebrews noted that the less is blessed of the better. Without the blessing of the blessed, the less cannot become better. So, quit competing with or looking down on those you ought to be honouring. Ask God to give you a meek and discerning heart. Respect the gift of access. And always guard against familiarity which breeds contempt.
