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HeartCheck - The Prophetic Compass


If you were to examine the current season that we are in as a nation, what would you say? Would you say that we are in a grinding season, dry season, tests-and-trial-at-nearly-every–turn season, revolution season – thanks to the ongoing #EndSARS protest, and the list could go on and on, right?

In a natural sense, we know that seasons change. There’s winter, spring, summer, and fall. And although I’m not about to get poetic on you, I simply want us to truly realise that just like the natural seasons change, the same happens as it relates to the season in our lives and our nation. Yet, the key to maximizing seasons lies in first recognising where we are as a people and as a nation.

Thus, it would only be appropriate to refresh our minds with God’s words for this season so we do not get carried away by the mundane.

During our last Prayer Watch, themed Jacob’s Trouble, the Lord had already sent His words ahead in preparation for this season. As was declared by God’s servant, Rev. Austin Ukporhe, thus saith the LORD:

‘My covenant with Nigeria has NOT been broken. My covenant with Nigeria is as the covenant that I made with David. My covenant with Nigeria will NOT be broken; it is established forever. Nigeria’s covenant did NOT begin with Buhari, therefore, it will NOT end with Buhari. It did not begin with any of these leaders and it cannot end with them. There is a ‘joker’ – the youths – in my quiver. I will harness the youths and make them a force. The devil is NOT winning. I, the Lord, will have the last laugh over Nigeria. The next phase of the covenant is being opened.

We are in the last lap of Nigeria’s confusion. Alas, there is a day that is coming—it would be like no other—and on that day, we will behold the wonders of God. A new chapter of her marriage with God is about to open.

Nigeria will not go down the drain. God is also strategising against every man who thinks they’ve got Nigeria in their pocket. He is strategising against everyone that feels Nigeria is domiciled in the palm of their hands. Our God will rule. Our God will reign. Our God will overtake. The game of men is ending soon.

I see a book. On the cover of the book is the map of Nigeria, and inscribed across this map are the words: ‘Ancient words, ever true.’ Nigeria was not built from her current state, Nigeria was built from ancient words. This is a book without seals. Many have had access to this book, but many have not accurately interpreted this book. An interpreter is coming, who will have the strength to read and accurately interpret the book. There is a man that is coming, his name might not be John, but his portfolio would be that he has been sent by God.

As Nigeria turns sixty, she will be rescued. The next phase of Nigeria will characterize the rise of interpreters. They will know how to read, interpret and implement this book. It is not the constitution of Nigeria, it is the constitution of Heaven; for 2023 shall be Heaven’s calendar. I will give you interpreters, who will come from the North, South, East, West and yonder (even Asia). They will not take advantage of you; they will build your structures.

Nigeria, it is your season of deliverance. You have a mandate. You have an assignment. You are blessed and not small.

And to us, as God’s people, He expects that we do not get tired of praying and standing in the gap. For the LORD is working behind the scenes and He is saying that our prayers and tears have enforced the next chapter. Furthermore, He is declaring Peace!’—His peace that comes embellished with warfare. His peace that will not require arms. The activations of His kind of peace would require the chanting of my covenant over the nation. For the judgment that is coming to Nigeria is the judgment of wisdom. It may look fragile, but it will be full of agility. It is NOT the phase of Buhari or Tinubu. It is the phase of God’s wisdom.

This phase for Nigeria will characterise the manifestations of strong allegories and proverbs echoed in time past.’

Dear Heart Checkers, it is such a spiritual season, gird up! We must not be caught in the middle. This is a wake-up call to the place of spiritual warfare – declaring these words over our nation – and also positioning ourselves for relevance in this season and beyond.
