The words of King Solomon in Proverbs 30:18 highlights the four things that appear mystical to the human mind- an eagle flying in the sky, a snake moving on a rock, a ship finding its way over the sea, and a man and woman falling in love! However, for our subject of focus, we would like to add another - the way of God with choice men. You’d want to pause and think about that for a few second. It beats our imagination how God forks out the men He professes to love. It is starting to look like this version of ‘love’ is laced with difficulties and challenges otherwise, how else would you describe and/or define a Lover that delayed four days after the news of the death of the one He loved? Anyone examining the situation from the sidelines would have concluded otherwise. Again, how can we make it make sense that God gave Joseph a dream of kingship, authority and influence only for Joseph to discover that the first proof of the anointing of God on his life was that he was going to be sold into slavery? As if that was not enough trouble already, he was further accused of rape and jailed, yet, his ability to interpret dreams and visions remained intact. The anointing did not diminish, rather, it grew the more! Nonetheless, he remained in obscurity. When Joseph attempted by the flesh to orchestrate his release through the butler (what we would call ‘man know man’ in today’s world), God designed it such that the butler ‘forgat’ (KJV’s English) about him because the script had long been written! For fourteen years, it looked as if it will never come to pass. The question begging to be answered is: Why is God like this with His choice men? Why will He appoint a man, anoint him, and yet it will appear as though the day of their showing will never come. And oh, there is David too! David was anointed by Prophet Samuel and almost immediately, he became filled with the Spirit of God and in the presence of his family members, it was clear to everyone that a new king has been born, yet it took David fourteen years to ascend the throne! How is it that God anoints a king and the anointing rather drives him to the cave of Adullam instead of the palace? The anointing turned him into a fugitive rather than a celebrated being. Dear Heart-Checkers, we know this might sound like forgotten teaching in the body of Christ this twenty-first century, hence, the reason we have come to afflict you with this burden. Furthermore, this is to encourage someone out there who seems to be waiting for the day of his manifestation, please, be informed that you are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and this is the way God of with His choice men. Stay with God. Submit heartily to your processes. Your day of showing forth will come, wait for it.


  1. Thank you for this write up. I needed to read this especially the part where the anointing to interpret dreams was still working on Joseph's life but yet he was still in prison. I have been encouraged.


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