"Congratulations! Welcome to the first phase of your ministry."


Kenneth Hagin thought it was a joke, so he reminded God of how effective his ministry had been and how he had laboured for good sixteen years.
God told him, "Yes, I am aware. That was why I said '
'. Many ministers labour all their life and still do not enter that first phase till they die, even if they died at 90. You are only sixteen years in ministry and are already entering it.
What has God used you for or done through you that you are already feeling you have arrived?
Imagine David tabernacling at that point where he killed the lion and the bear, and building or starting a ministry by the name "Slayer of Lion and Bears Ministries", when God meant for him to kill giants, fight battles, conquer kingdoms and shepherd his people.
Imagine if he became very successful with that ministry and people hailed him and saw him as a successful man.
It would never have been written of him, like it is written in Acts 13:36, that he served his generation according to the will of God.
There is more in God beyond what you've seen or experienced; no matter what that is.
Don't build a ministry round the parting of the Red sea, Moses, that's not the promised land, it is just a sign that you've left Egypt; there is more.
Caleb was forty when they spied Canaan. At eighty, he told Gideon, "I am still as strong as I was then, even now. Give me this mountain to conquer."
What have you done that you are already feeling you've done all and have arrived?
You may not even have started at all.
There is more in God.
There are dimensions you have never seen or experienced.
There are still mountains to conquer.
There is still space in Him to press into.
It is too early to pitch your tent round your exploits.
The reason you are still alive is not so you can maintain or manage the already conquered grounds.
It's so you can conquer more grounds for His glory.
After so many enviable exploits, apostle Paul said:
"...Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus..." - Phil.3:12-14
Press on.
There is more.
The path of the just shines more and more unto the perfect day...

Written by: Pastor Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele
