Election Series - Responsibility of the Elect (3)

• It was in election that we saw how God planned all things to the tiniest details.

• God is not wicked, He is being principled. Humans are sentimental but God isn't. 

• The elects are the original pieces to prosecute the mind of God.

• God is not looking at everyone, it is a broken world; He is looking for the Remnant. The same way a farmer cannot harvest the tares together with the seed.

• The purpose of election: Sonship (John 1 vs 12, Roman's 9 vs 6 -8); Inheritance - parts of what belong to God willed to man (Matthew 25 vs 14, Galatinas 4 vs 7, Isaiah 65 vs 9, Romans 8 vs 17); God wants to create one big family (Ephesians 3 vs 14-15; Romans 8 vs 15, 9 vs 4; Galatians 4 vs 5; Ephesians 1 vs 5, 2 vs 16).

• Fruitfulness is both purpose and responsibility of the elect: Genesis 1 vs 26.

• The responsibility of the elect is to bring forth fruit... John 15 vs 16.

• Also, one of foremost responsibilities of the elect is Prayer.... What we do in prayer is to wait until an order comes. Prayer is supposed to give us an ideas of what God wants all the time; Inside God's want ours are met.

• The elect can't be used in the raw form they are, there is need for processing. 

• The first thing we need in time of trouble is the Presence of God: Joseph as case study...from managing household (Potiphar's house) to institution (prison system) and thereafter a nation.... It is called chiseling by God.

• It is better to rather be in trouble with God than to be out of trouble without God.

• Another responsibility of elect is Endurance. II Timothy 2 vs 10... Ability to endure challenges.

•Another responsibility of the elect is evangelism. Without sentiment, not everyone can be saved. The reason we will be more effective in evangelism is the ability to have submitted to process. Moses left all his influence and went to the wilderness (40 years) to be processed. 

• We have not yielded ourselves to process that is why we are not qualified to speak to the world during evangelism. 

• What you don't have, you can't give; What you have not become, you can't give it out.

Written By :

Pastor Tobi Olutunde
