Election Series - The conclusion (6)

• Responsibility of the elect-the word of God: Study to show yourself approved (make all efforts) unto God, a workman needed not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the word of truth. Except we become student of the word, we can't fully enter into what God has for us.

• Our responsibility to God as the elect are two-legged which must be balanced: Prayer and The Word; Without Prayer you can't enter the Word and without the Word, you can't pray properly. Therefore, we need to become responsible Christian.

• Another purpose of election is eternal life: Titus 1 vs 1 and 2.

• John 17 vs 3: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

• Eternal Life is essentially knowing God. Knowledge here does not mean head knowledge.  Knowing God is supposed to produce something in us. The essence of knowing God is that the Son of God is formed in us.

• The Knowing produce an offshoot of God in us: an expression of the Son of God.

• The same process by which Mary conceived Christ physically is the same process by which Christ is formed in us by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

• The extent which God is interested in the product is determined by the extent which the process conforms to what He wants and that is the place of the Holy Spirit (Case Study: David noble thought to build a temple for God, but his son was appointed to build the temple. David only provided the resources, that was his own allotment).

• We are made to be containers of eternal life. Recall; God tripartite purpose for us: to contact, contain and express Him.

• Eternal Life is the same quality of life that God possesses (ZOE). One of the characteristics of this life makes it endless-everlasting life; It is everlasting because it was existing before time and it transcends time. So we are made to be carriers of this life and it is supposed to be seen and manifested.

• The danger of election is rejection. (Case Study: Ephraim who was chosen above the older. But later was rejected because he became a cake unturned i.e. Ephraim wasn't balanced. 

• Romans 11 vs 17-21. God does not spare the natural branches because of unbelief; so He won't spare us either because of the same unbelief. 

• Conclusion: The fact that you have been elected is not automatic. It requires labour; labour to enter, labour for the meat that doesn't perish.

  Pastor Tobi Olutunde
