Election Series - Responsibility of the Elect (4)

• Process: We are enjoying the end results of  some people process and dealings, the same way others are waiting to benefit  from ours.

• God was not feeling lonely when He has not created creatures: He was fellowshipping with Himself. 

1. The principle of Fruitfulness is except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and die: dying to the way of thinking of the world system. 

• Moses as case study: The method Moses adopted to approach deliverance (killing an Egyptian by his strength) was the same method God later deployed- killing the first born in Egypt etc. without Moses' strength. Moses did that he became a murderer while no one could hold God to that.

• Recall, God's ways are not our ways; The way God wants to accomplish His purpose in your life is totally different from yours; therefore one needs to die to the thinking pattern of this world.

2. Prayer is a Kingdom Function. The principle of the Kingdom is that we are not here to represent ourselves, it is not our initiatives that we are here, it is God's idea. There is need for us to report daily to God and say what do You want to get done on earth today?

• How do you react to circumstances bigger than you? Pray, this is your first responsibility. Jesus, the high priest was confronted with such bigger circumstances (Jesus looking at His ultimate destiny, praying for the cup to pass over, nevertheless He asked that God's will be done).

• Hebrews 3 vs 12. Any time we sustain unbelief in our hearts, we have departed from God. We believe, Lord help our unbelief. 

• Prayer is bringing what God has told us to do and reporting back; asking Him for help to do what He asked us to do. 

• When we are not praying, we are presuming.

• Prayer is intimacy, dependency on God; First  and foremost it was never designed for our  needs, humanism taught us that.

• Request of the disciples: teach us to pray, so that it will become a way of life.


• Lord, we ask that You will teach us to pray. Let prayer become our ways of life the way it was Your way of life.

• Teach us to pray Lord so that we can pray without ceasing.


  Written Pastor Tobi Olutunde
