The Similitude Of The Voice Of One & The Apostolic Revival In Africa


In the last day,..Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
John 7:31
The visitation of the God comes in 'movements' and this moves ride on very high energy wavelenghts of the Spirit.
A move of God is the current working of the Holy Spirit emphasising a certain truth of God's Word on the verge of extinction to His people.
So, we've had the pentecostal revival of Asuza street, the healing revival, Word of faith movement and the charistmatic and prosperity movement.

The Apostolic Father: Apostle Arome Osayi

The truth revealed in the moves of God does not invalidate other truths of God's Word but are just a reawakening of that neglected truth.
Spiritual infants neglects the the entire counsel of God's Word and pitch their tent only on the revived truth to their own destruction.
At the turn of the 21st century, it was obvious for all to see that the original pattern as set up by the Lord for the church was almost completely obliterated.
Every thing the church should stand against in the world seems to have become the identity of the church- love of money, pride, shallow spirituality, lust of the flesh and weak morals etc.
God had blessed the Church with so much anointing, influence and wealth but satan also cursed her with so much darkness and compromise.
The Holy Ghost was soundly grieved over the state of Christ's precious possession, then the Father decided to raise a young man upon which He would begin His dealings of processing his soul to birth a new move of God- A re- awakening of the lost truth of puritanical living with emphasis of restoring the church back to her Apostolic root.
This began in the late 90's on the campus of Benue state university, Makurdi with a rallying call to prayers and they would pray for hours every day trusting the Lord to find them worthy of the conception of Apostolic revival.
Days turned to month, months to years and now running into decades.
Although, they would see trinklets of the outpouring on campus but that was not to be the best of God.
In His fiery preaching in those days, hearts would burn, cultist would be converted, the judgemental fire of God was strong and indeed it was a revival on campus.
The altar he raised on campus was what some of us would dust back to life when we arrived.
Worthy of mention is Gabe Itodo upon whom a mighty evangelistic anointing came upon and the ministry even Watchers' he began touched the campuses in no small measure and the work is still thriving till date even after over twenty years.
I arrived on campus in 2006 and the anointing also fell on me in evangelism, preaching from halls to halls, hostels to hostels and the whole move later transformed into a church on campus.
A church that still exists there even after 16 years even Campus NewNation Bsu
I wasn't aware of the covenant they had made with the Lord that in every generation the fire should fall on someone to keep the campus burning.
The pastoral fire fell on me and i think we tried.
After he was done from BSU around 2001, doors of other instituations would open up to him especially Ahmadu Bello university, Zaria where the fire of the Lord would spread from him to other young people.
Some of his earliest disciples were Jesse Jangfa and Ajayi Asishana Stanley, etc.
These men have risen to fulfil God's call on their lives in different ways.
And literally, all the voices that rose from ABU, Zaria in the period of his great campaigns were greatly inspired by Him.
Notably is Joshua Selman whose formative years was hugely impacted by the teachings of Apostle.
Apostle Arome in those days was one of the most hated preacher in this country.
His approach seemed confrontational and toxic to some but that's the Spirit of reformation at work.
They called it toxic because it confronted the fleshly, weak and watered down revelations of the day.
He was the John the Baptist beating up a new path for the entire body of Christ globally.
He was ostracised from many quarters.
Doors of churches was shut against Him.
Pastors warned their congregation against him.
In those days, those of us who were his disciples were few.
The early Makurdi disciples were men like Joshua Ortserga, Donatus Ioruse, Shalla Uka, Godsent Ogbe, Daniel Ogidi, Tony George and Nguvan Akaagerger an Akagegeger to mention but a few.
They weren't days of much results but of strong faith, hope and prayers.
Gradually, as the Lord began to stir the appetite of His people from the earthly to eternal things; the ready meal to satisfy that appetite had already been prepared by Apostle Arome Osayi.
All of a sudden, the revival that had been prayed for was answered through his emergence and his ministry, Remnant Christian Network.
The more Believers strayed far from God, the obvious it became that his messages was the answer.
Through him literally millions of people world over have come to know the Lord experientially and accurately.
Worthy of note is the fact that the Lord used him to dig this well of revival.
I make bold to submit that Apostle Arome Osayi is the Father of this great end time move of God.
Every one who's functioning in the same similitude of the end time revival, were either directly discipled by him or have been his secret disciples like Nicodemus and if you observe clearly they all have his finger prints on their spiritual skin.
His concepts, dictions and phrases have become synonymous with the Apostolic revival movement.
You hear words like, 'ALIGNMENT', it was a coinage of the Apostle.
Today, any young man that wants to feel apostolic only just have to use those words and speak some high lingo- at least, so they think.
He first used the word, 'NETWORK' in lieu of ministry and that has become widely accepted and used.
Now we have many 'NETWORKS' springing up every where.
The rise of the Apostle is phenomenal and it can only be described as the wonder of the hand of God.
A message and emphasis that was completely rejected is now the current emphasis of the Spirit beckoning the church to come up hither.
As we enjoy this current move of God and the ministries birthed from the inspirations, impartations and infuence of this, VOICE OF ONE THAT CRIED FOR LONG IN THE WILDERNESS, may we also honour him as the one who sacrificed everything to birth the move and paved the way.
Every other voices stands on his shoulder.
May we recognise him for all his labours and as the Nigerian anthem signified "may we not forget the labour of our heroes past'.
But in this case, our hero is still with us.
In recognition and honour of His labours of love.
Written by Hills Agbo
