
Showing posts from July, 2019

Biography of Orokpo Apeh Micheal

Apostle Orokpo Micheal Apeh was born on 1st of march originates naturally from idomaland of Benue state.  He holds a Bsc, Msc. and currently finalising his Doctorate Degree in Chemistry  at the Benue state university(BSU). At a very tender age he began to have encounters of the Lord Jesus Christ but still naive as a child, The Lord began to draw him and to lead him to different quarters to drink of him. It was in this act of leadings that he encountered men like Evangelist Benny Hinn, Pastor Chris. Oyakhilome, Evangelist Todd White, Prophet sadhu Salveraj, Apostle Randy Clark, Apostle Arome Osayi, Evangelist Reinhard Bonke ,Bishop Oyedepo, Bishope David Abioye, Rev. Hillary Agbo., etc to mention a few which imparted him and his hunger drove him to sleep in crusade grounds, attend Adullam Bible College and Fastings. He lives in Makurdi, Benue state, He is an adjunct instructor at the Cave Adullam Bible College, He is ardent student of the Bible and a man that loves to stays in the pres

The Pilgrimage Of Our Faith

Beloved, I implore you as aliens and strangers and exiles [in this world] to abstain from the sensual urges (the evil desires, the passions of the flesh, your lower nature) that wage war against the soul.  (1 Peter 2:11, AMP) Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul (1 Peter 2:11, NKJV) The Bible in the verse of Scripture quoted above admonishes the believer to act like the pilgrim that they are by always rejecting and abstaining from the evil desires and passions of the flesh and embracing and yielding to the spirit. How? Now this is what separates Christianity from other religions.  Other religions espouse the need for moral uprightness and virtuosity but do not have the power and technology to crush the evil desires and passions of the flesh. For instance, some religions which preach sexual purity do not have the power and technology to overcome the overwhelming urges to commit fornication.  All their prescribed rituals and


Now it is imperative of me to stress that making choices most times doesn’t come easy, especially when it touches on very critical and highly crucial issues.  I am talking about when the alternatives on ground are not just dual but multiple and are of seemingly equal strength and importance as the right choice. One is thrown under severe pressure and struggles to withstand the crushing weight of uncertainty when they are to choose from say eleven options or more.  To iron this out, we must first understand what a ‘right choice is’. A right choice is a choice that when made draws a person closer to God and makes them fulfill His will for their life.  A right choice therefore is beyond human perspective and judgment; both of which are limited – it’s something that should synchronize with God’s judgment and perspective. For what is right in the sight of man might be dead wrong in the sight of God. That’s why Scripture establishes that the way that seems right to a man leads him to destruc


The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed IN HIS FIELD, which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches. (Matt 13:31- 32, NKJV, emphasis added) The mustard seed is a very interesting seed. It is also a very small seed. Yet in it lies the potential to provide space for the birds of the air to nest. Now, Jesus, in illustrating one of the operational dimensions of the kingdom likens it to a mustard seed.  And that this particular mustard seed is such that a man sows in his field. Now note the emphasis on the phrase in his field.  Adejoh & Arome   We will for the sake of driving home the salient message contained in this parable of the kingdom spend a little while in considering the import of this phrase.  The phrase in his field suggests to us that the field is the man’s personal concern.  It also means the little space on the vast

Cosmic Pressure - Apst. Arome Osayi

The perilous (outrageously dangerous) times predicted in God' word from the days of yore are here (2 Timothy 3:1).  Cosmic pressures, building in all quarters of human endeavor, infecting people with malignant claustrophobia as people feel they are being constantly pressed upon like insects by forces higher than their will. Pressures of all kinds mounting and towering like ominous mountains. People's efforts are not amounting to their desired outcomes. It's a wild, wild world that we currently live in.    This is even more true in Nigeria right now. Pressures: ripping families apart, decimating businesses,knocking down people's faith in God and darkening the land with weighty melancholy. Pressures: making people jump off the 3rd Mainland Bridge in Lagos and causing the whole nation to chant hopelessly in the most pessimistic tone. Pressures: causing saints to abandon the fortitude of God's peace which is powered by the comfort of Scriptures and embrace the barbetura

Purpose & Power

      The anointing comes upon a person to accomplish an assignment for God's Kingdom... When the primary ASSIGNMENT is forsaken by the vessel, the anointing is no longer necessary. In the Kingdom of God, POWER comes with a PURPOSE. When a person is tapped into the "anointed life", they experience uncommon miracles, favor, strength to endure, and grace. The devil works overtime to DISCONNECT you from your divine assignment and replace it with "your vision". After one has been accustomed to living with the benefits of an anointed life, they can easily be deceived into believing that the same grace, power, strength, and favor that was active while they were connected to the assignment and the people whom God called them to labor with, will still be there. Not so. The anointing on TEAMS is greater than that of individuals, no matter how gifted you are. This is why the devil seeks to divide TEAMS, FAMILIES, and FRIENDS. The anointing on "us" is much greate

FUTILITY? - The Flesh

Manipulation: When you are trying harder to help a person than they are willing to help themselves.       Many times we often sit amazed when we have great conflict with someone that we have tried so hard to help. We are confused when they are ungrateful for all of our effort that we have poured into their lives and we wonder how they could ever treat us with the disrespect that they are showing.       The reason they are rebelling against you is; no matter how good the intentions you have for them the truth is; you are manipulating them and they feel it.       You have drug them past their point of ambition. You have pressed them to do better when they did not want to do better themselves. You have locked yourself in a struggle with someone who does not have the desire to do any better and you are creating friction between you and them.       No matter how right you are, respect a person's will (like God does) and allow them to stay where they are even if they are unhappy. Let the

Jesus Christ - "The Way"

I find it ironic that the same people that claimed to understand scripture are the same people that denied Jesus works and eventually killed him.       They did (and still do) not understand that while scripture reveals Him it does not contain Him; it takes relationship and scripture to fully grasp the heart of God. This is by no means a pass to disregard or not know scripture; because without scripture we do not have foundation and truth.      While many today are still denying the manifested power of God through Jesus, the Apostles, and those that followed him for healing, breakthrough, and miraculous unusual manifestations; we that have encountered him long to see His kingdom come through signs, miracles, and wonders. We understand that Jesus displayed these miraculous works as did everyone that believed on him.       John 5:39 "You search and keep on searching and examining the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and yet it is those [very Scripture


Don't be so eager to grow your church that you allow the offended to come in and destroy what you and Holy Spirit are building. Get to know those who have come in (that's scripture 1 Thess. 5:12), and why they left their House; If they have unforgiveness toward someone, don't be so immature to think they will not do the same to you and it spread to your people like a disease.      "10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." Matt. 24       Jesus tells us that Offense leads to betrayal and hatred. Offense is so deceptive and it thrives where it is tolerated and made excuses for. I had a Pastor friend who started shunning me in public that had taken in someone who was offended at me; until one day he called me for prayer because she had betrayed him also and caused him to lose his church and marriage. Before we prayed I ask him, "If you knew how she felt about me and how she hated me; why didn't that alert


Hello all  A few months  have sauntered-past since the debate at Makerere University on 2 nd  March, and given that an immediate post-event period and atmosphere is often deemed unhealthy to objective reviews of the same, I’d hope and trust that five days are sufficient time for any subjective ‘‘steam’’ to have let-off.  All contingencies allowed, I sincerely opine that my brother Ekele Odoma did  win  the technical debate of the day.  He stayed on course throughout, and despite my attempts to broaden the parameters of discussion and enumerate the possible  senses  in which the term ‘ meaning ’ may have been used – Gideon’s responses remained mostly theme-oriented.  I, on the other hand, adopted a broad, far-ranging strategy at the outset, thinking to narrow it down toward the end, but not quite succeeding.  My intention here was to underpin how – in a cosmological context, we cannot productively discuss  meaning in the context of human life,  since arguments for and beliefs in the aft