
Showing posts from November, 2021

Election Series - The conclusion (6)

• Responsibility of the elect-the word of God: Study to show yourself approved (make all efforts) unto God, a workman needed not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the word of truth. Except we become student of the word, we can't fully enter into what God has for us. • Our responsibility to God as the elect are two-legged which must be balanced: Prayer and The Word; Without Prayer you can't enter the Word and without the Word, you can't pray properly. Therefore, we need to become responsible Christian. • Another purpose of election is eternal life: Titus 1 vs 1 and 2. • John 17 vs 3: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. • Eternal Life is essentially knowing God. Knowledge here does not mean head knowledge.  Knowing God is supposed to produce something in us. The essence of knowing God is that the Son of God is formed in us. • The Knowing produce an offshoot of God in us: an expression of the Son of God. •

Election Series- Responsibility of the elect- The Word of God (5)

• Introduction: Philemon 1 vs 6: We will never be confident or effective about sharing our faith until we have sufficiently acknowledged who we are in Christ. Regardless of our stature/status in the society, we must know for sure that we are the elect. • Jeremiah 15 vs 16. The fact that we are called by His Name is the reason why the word of God becomes attractive, not because it is palatable. Sometimes, the word of God is difficult to swallow. • Joshua 1 vs 8. Meditating in the Word of God is very pivotal to our daily living. • Hebrews 13 vs 6. God expects a response from us for every Word He says. • The elect can not function beyond their relationship with the Word of God. • Act 20 vs 32: We can't come into the inheritance until we are built by the Word of Grace: until the Word becomes flesh. • If the prayer warriors become word warriors, their prayer will be answered better because prayer without the word of God is like spraying bullets all around. A prayer Warrior who knows the

Election Series - Responsibility of the Elect (4)

:  • Process: We are enjoying the end results of  some people process and dealings, the same way others are waiting to benefit  from ours. • God was not feeling lonely when He has not created creatures: He was fellowshipping with Himself.  1. The principle of Fruitfulness is except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and die: dying to the way of thinking of the world system.  • Moses as case study: The method Moses adopted to approach deliverance (killing an Egyptian by his strength) was the same method God later deployed- killing the first born in Egypt etc. without Moses' strength. Moses did that he became a murderer while no one could hold God to that. • Recall, God's ways are not our ways; The way God wants to accomplish His purpose in your life is totally different from yours; therefore one needs to die to the thinking pattern of this world. 2. Prayer is a Kingdom Function. The principle of the Kingdom is that we are not here to represent ourselves, it is not our initiativ

Election Series - Responsibility of the Elect (3)

• It was in election that we saw how God planned all things to the tiniest details. • God is not wicked, He is being principled. Humans are sentimental but God isn't.  • The elects are the original pieces to prosecute the mind of God. • God is not looking at everyone, it is a broken world; He is looking for the Remnant. The same way a farmer cannot harvest the tares together with the seed. • The purpose of election: Sonship (John 1 vs 12, Roman's 9 vs 6 -8); Inheritance - parts of what belong to God willed to man (Matthew 25 vs 14, Galatinas 4 vs 7, Isaiah 65 vs 9, Romans 8 vs 17); God wants to create one big family (Ephesians 3 vs 14-15; Romans 8 vs 15, 9 vs 4; Galatians 4 vs 5; Ephesians 1 vs 5, 2 vs 16). • Fruitfulness is both purpose and responsibility of the elect: Genesis 1 vs 26. • The responsibility of the elect is to bring forth fruit... John 15 vs 16. • Also, one of foremost responsibilities of the elect is Prayer.... What we do in prayer is to wait until an order com

What Time Is The Best Time To Pray?

 The reason you don't pray is because you are waiting for the "right time" to pray for 10hrs- start where you are with 10mins. The reason you don't study is because you are waiting for the "right time " to study the new testament - start with the 1st chapter of the gospel of John. The reason you don't fast is because you're waiting for the "right time " to fast for 40days dry- start with 6 to 12 and build. The reason you don't worship is because you are waiting for the "right time " to to be in the "mood" of worship- start with a hymn. In this kingdom, we build. Building requires the right tools and timing. You can't build a storey building in a few days. You lay the foundation and over time you build on the foundation. Block upon block, layer upon layer until it transforms into an edifice. This season, the lord is calling us back to fortify us in the secret place for the days ahead. Don't let the devil cheat

"Congratulations! Welcome to the first phase of your ministry."

  After sixteen years of "active ministry", God told the late Kenneth E. Hagin, " Congratulations ! Welcome to the first phase of your ministry." Kenneth Hagin thought it was a joke, so he reminded God of how effective his ministry had been and how he had laboured for good sixteen years. God told him, "Yes, I am aware. That was why I said ' congratulations '. Many ministers labour all their life and still do not enter that first phase till they die, even if they died at 90. You are only sixteen years in ministry and are already entering it. Congratulations ." What has God used you for or done through you that you are already feeling you have arrived? Imagine David tabernacling at that point where he killed the lion and the bear, and building or starting a ministry by the name "Slayer of Lion and Bears Ministries", when God meant for him to kill giants, fight battles, conquer kingdoms and shepherd his people. Imagine if he became very succ