
Showing posts from May, 2021

The converse: The Point Man Of RCNLagos

BACKGROUND  My counsel is make sure you operate under a Spiritual cover, God does not encourage Vagabond Spirit ,everybody must come under cover, our fathers who have gone ahead of us has shown us that we can do this kind of ministry of network, this kind of ministry of non-denominational/ interdenominational work and still be members, for example Pastor Gbile’s ministry is an interdenominational ministry and till date he is a member of a church, he still goes to church, submits himself to Church, if you don’t have History, you don’t have the right to speak, we want to be able to trace people to a genealogical tree, when you speak, let us know you have a genealogy , you were not born again from your mother’s womb and suddenly began to do things. My second advice to the youth is please let’s calm down, there is so much knowledge explosion but there is a lack of life style, we are deficient when it comes to the issue of life style, and the explosion of this knowledge is not going in the

BIOGRAPHY : Reverend Austin Ukporhe

  Austin Ukporhe   is the Point man ( Resident Pastor) Remnant Christian Network, Lagos chapter. Raised in the Northern city of Sokoto, Rev Austin was trained in the peculiar firebrand evangelism of Nigeria’s Christian North and was ordained as a Pastor in 2001.  He has experienced countless and diverse workings of the faithfulness of God for over 17 years. A prophetic teacher and preacher of God’s word with vital apostolic signs. An intercessor, and a man forged for the message of the revival, he carries the floods of the gospel of Christ to various territories as an itinerant preacher. Rev. Austin’s passion is to see sons and daughters of the Kingdom of God raised in the fullness of the stature of Christ and empowered men and women who will stand as judges of their generation in diverse institutions, both in the corporate world and in government. He serves as a Lecturer at Adullam Bible College Makurdi, where He handles modules on the doctrine of Endtime events, Kingdom Finance/Prosp


 COMMIT TO GROWTH Me: Laughing in Kafanchan 😂😂😂 What is meant for you will not find you if you do nothing. You must discover what is it that is meant for you and you must step out to take that which is meant for you. Don't fold your arms expecting your wishes to come knocking and dancing at your doorstep. If wishes were horses, trust me I would have ridden to the utmost parts of the earth, truth is, no one has ever attained  relevance by mere wishes. You've got to add work to your wishes and efforts to your dreams. No one has ever made it to greatness waiting for what will be to be😊. Go for what's meant for you. Pursue the life you envision. Give yourself to diligence in attaining success. Commit to continuous learning and growth. WHAT IS MEANT FOR YOU, IS ALSO MEANT FOR OTHERS, THOSE WHO ARE CONSISTENT ON THE JOURNEY OF GROWTH AND SUCCESS WILL FIND IT. This week, commit wholeheartedly to growth in your area(s) of interest... T for thanks 😊 #Yugee_Graceland #CommitToGr


The words of King Solomon in Proverbs 30:18 highlights the four things that appear mystical to the human mind- an eagle flying in the sky, a snake moving on a rock, a ship finding its way over the sea, and a man and woman falling in love! However, for our subject of focus, we would like to add another - the way of God with choice men. You’d want to pause and think about that for a few second. It beats our imagination how God forks out the men He professes to love. It is starting to look like this version of ‘love’ is laced with difficulties and challenges otherwise, how else would you describe and/or define a Lover that delayed four days after the news of the death of the one He loved? Anyone examining the situation from the sidelines would have concluded otherwise. Again, how can we make it make sense that God gave Joseph a dream of kingship, authority and influence only for Joseph to discover that the first proof of the anointing of God on his life was that he was going to be so

HeartCheck - The Less is Blessed Of The Better

  At the instance of the murderous threat of his livid brother Esau, Jacob left his father’s house without any inheritance but returned twenty years later with great wealth. Similarly, his son Joseph left the comfort of parental enclave without any inheritance when he was sold into slavery by his envious brothers! Nevertheless, when his family reunited with him many years later, he was the wealthiest man in Egypt after Pharaoh. Both of these men created wealth without capital because they were divinely led to recognise and utilise various forms of capital that are beyond money. One of such is relational capital. Relational capital refers to significant relationships which attract valuables in form of opportunities and platforms to learn, serve and grow. It is indispensable not only for creating monetary wealth but also infiltrating other forms of graces. At the instance of the murderous threat of his livid brother Esau, Jacob left his father’s house without any inheritance but returned

HeartCheck - Kingdom Prosperity

  Why God Wants You to Prosper Dear Heart Checkers, I’ve got great news for you: God wants you to prosper! However, have you wondered why God wants you to prosper? Take a moment or two and consider that. Friends, when God gave the Israelites emancipation from the Egyptians, He did not bring them out of Egypt empty but brought them forth with silver and gold and there was not one feeble person amongst their tribes (see Ps. 105:37). By implication, if God delighted in the prosperity of His children – His firstborn in the natural on this side of eternity – He would so much care about the new creation that is under better covenant and promises. The subject of prosperity for the believer is a thing of influence than it is for showmanship; it is to the end that men may see the good works that God is doing in and through the life of the believer, to the glory and honour of His name. Although God is a loving God, He is also a God of justice, judgement and equity. So that He can be impartial in

HeartCheck - The Prophetic Compass

  Home About Us Sermons Events Testimonials Partners Blog Prayer Request Give If you were to examine the current season that we are in as a nation, what would you say? Would you say that we are in a grinding season, dry season, tests-and-trial-at-nearly-every–turn season, revolution season – thanks to the ongoing #EndSARS protest, and the list could go on and on, right? In a natural sense, we know that seasons change. There’s winter, spring, summer, and fall. And although I’m not about to get poetic on you, I simply want us to truly realise that just like the natural seasons change, the same happens as it relates to the season in our lives and our nation. Yet, the key to maximizing seasons lies in first recognising where we are as a people and as a nation. Thus, it would only be appropriate to refresh our minds with God’s words for this season so we do not get carried away by the mundane. During our last Prayer Watch, themed Jacob’s Trouble, the Lord had already sent His words ahead in

HeartCheck - Kingdom Mandate

  Home About Us Sermons Events Testimonials Partners Blog Prayer Request Give God’s chosen methodology for showcasing His Kingdom is to mobilize diplomats – kingdom representatives – whose responsibility is to represent their home government before the leaders and people of different nations. Kingdom representatives (ambassadors) can be likened to special envoys deployed to another nation on behalf of the government they embody. And as ambassadors of Christ, we are His representatives wherever we find ourselves per time. By implication, heaven is our nationality, but in our waking and walking, our ministry and mission as ambassadors into this territory called earth should showcase the kingdom. We were deployed to the earth as ambassadors, therefore, it is expected that we conduct ourselves worthy of our ambassadorial calling. The code of conduct for an ambassador is regulated by the country he represents. There is a level of comportment associated with being a representative of a natio

HeartCheck - Krazo

  Home About Us Sermons Events Testimonials Partners Blog Prayer Request Give The first installation that came factory-fitted at regeneration is a cry and it is the only thing the devil wants to take away from every believer as they grow up. ‘For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.’ Romans 8:15, KJV When we got saved, there is one desire that God installed in us and that desire expresses itself in form of a cry. Most individuals that got born again want to pray, however, there is a constant battle of negotiation by the enemy. There is always an excitement and pull towards God’s presence and we must ensure we do not lose it as we navigate this realm. We must be willing to fight to preserve His presence and we see this reality in the lives of many in the scripture from Moses to David and even our Lord Jesus Christ. David said, ‘One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; tha